Category Blog

Perfect 20 Minute Homemade Hamburger Buns

Burger on a plate in the French Alps - Skyrunning Girl - Naia Tower-Pierce

Since the whole process of deconfinement started it’s been difficult to drive around my town and see all the restaurants and coffee shops closed…especially burger places (restaurants). So, here I am… I made these perfect 20 minute homemade hamburger buns,…

3 Vegan Chocolate Recipes

Lately, vegan chocolate has been a little bit of a life saver. So, here are 3 super easy vegan chocolate recipes to make your soul happy. 😉 Thankfully, all three of these vegan chocolate recipes only take 10-15 minutes to…

5 Super Simple Vegan Roundup Recipes for Lunch

After eating pretty much the same meals everyday during this quarantine…we are finally in the process of deconfinement and my hunger for some new recipes is growing. Here are 5 super simple vegan recipes and ideas for lunch (or dinner,…